Elmex paste zeb & oacute; in Anti-pr & oacute; chnicy of amine fluoride due to the presence of highly active amonofluoku elmex Anti-Pr & oacute; chnicy incorporated fluorine in tooth enamel in a few seconds, so that reinforces it and increases its resistance to acid & oacute; w. Due to its surface activity, amine fluoride forms on all surfaces Zeb & oacute; in strictly adhering, homogeneous protective layer. Shoe zeb & oacute, in elmex against Pr & oacute; chnicy optimum, long-term protection zeb & oacute; w, and even remineralizes pr & oacute; chnicę in its initial stage in the subsurface layers of enamel. The protective properties of pastes and contained in the amine were confirmed more than 400 research.